Boston, MA
“VET3-TGI, a TGF-Beta Targeting Clinical Oncolytic Virus Developed from the VET Platform for Systemic Delivery”
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD

Banff, AB, Canada
“Novel Oncolytic Viral Immunotherapy VET3-TGI displays enhanced systemic delivery and inhibits TGF β -signaling while augmenting Type-1 immune response in the tumor”
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD

Orlando, FL
The oncolytic virus VET3-TGI both blocks TGF-beta signaling and activates type 2 IFN responses, resulting in potent therapeutic responses in multiple mouse models
SPEAKER : Ravikumar Muthuswamy, PhD

Los Angeles, CA
“Novel Oncolytic therapy VET3-TGI restricts TGFβ1 and augments Type-1 immune response in TME, leading to superior therapeutic efficacy in multiple preclinical tumor models”
SPEAKER : Ravikumar Muthuswamy, PhD

Boston, MA
A novel oncolytic immunotherapy, VET3-TGI, overcomes TGFB1 mediated immunosuppression, augments type-1 immune response, and displays potent therapeutic activity in multiple mouse tumor models.
SPEAKER : Ravikumar Muthuswamy, PhD

Washington | DC
Novel Vaccinia Enhanced Template (VET) Oncolytic Platform
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD

Expression of a TGF-β Inhibitor from an Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD

The VET Platform: Re-targeting Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus to Tumors through Expression of Chemokine Receptors
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD

Boston | MA
The Design of Oncolytic Viral Therapies for Intravenous Delivery
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD

Oxford Global
A Dual Pipeline Strategy Bringing Potent Vaccinia-Based Oncolytic Immunotherapies to the Clinic
SPEAKER : Steve Thorne, PhD